
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Quentin Tarantino and Gadget Greg!

This one I'm not too proud of. The joke is meh and I actually liked the anti-climacticness of that part. But I only did it in 20 minutes and I was drawing all day and the sun was in my eye yada yada yada. I swear tomorrow will be the last one.

But I'm pretty proud of this random sketch of a friend I did!

Also, I started to get back into illustrator and I wanted to do a test to see which program would take the least amount of time while having the best quality between illustrator, flash and photoshop. I used one of my characters from my upcoming RPD heroes comic, Gadget Greg! Here's the starter sketch:

Here's the illustrator version:
Time taken: 8+ hours
Maybe it's that I'm out of practice, but compared to flash I just think the layer and pen system is clunky and takes waaay too long. But these are just my views, I know many people who use illustrator like a second language.
Pros: good for handling big files, interesting style techniques
Cons: takes a long time, don't like the layers system, hard to create lines, brush techniques don't look that great

Total time taken: 2 hours.
I really feel like this is my magic comfort zone program. The outline took me an hour and then the fill and shading too just under an hour.
Pros: fast, can get a smooth outline fairly quickly, easy to select, delete, copy and change assets, good for figuring out multiple color schemes
Cons: can't handle large files sometimes, brush tool not as good as photoshop brush tool, using the M key to zoom, sometimes outlines look too curvy

And also here's a version with no line. I thought it looked interesting.

Time taken: 2 hours 15 minutes
It takes just a little bit longer than flash, and it gives that sketchy style (if that's what's you're looking for) but it's murder on the hand and I really prefer the smooth line.
Pros: can handle relatively large files but slows down when painting, better for blending, patterns, and stylish techniques, shading good for detail and a natural look
Cons: needs a waccom tablet and can be murder on the wrist, sometimes harder to do curves and straight lines

This one I took the flash version and shaded it in Photoshop:
I somewhat like the shading in photoshop because it can look more realistic and more easily get those tiny shading details and highlights.

This one is similar to the last, but I used some patterns for the clothing. It's kind of cool, but it's not really needed.

So, I've proven without a shadow of a doubt that Flash is awesome and there is no reason I should use any other program. EVER. Except maybe Maya.

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